Staying Connected to our spirituality during difficult times

One stays close to one’s spirituality during chaotic times first by staying connected to one’s body.  And therefore the earth and the cosmos.  It is very important to put things into context and the context for our existence is not the chaos and even evil that is swirling about us.

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Questioning Belief In A Higher Power

Now I am lost, its as if there is not a Santa Claus. No being to look after me or my loved ones and perhaps no afterlife either. It’s not as if I am crushed but is it weird that I am still seeking “something”?. What now?

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Does Jesus’ Skin Color Matter?

It is unnecessary for anybody to throw stones because of anybody’s race or ethnicity. It repulses me and is plain not Jesus-like. It is prideful and hateful.

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Why do we still pay attention to the Bible in 2020?

I consider the Bible to be the story of one particular segment of world culture’s interaction with the Divine over time. The story begins with one insular clan relating to the Divine in all the ways complex and fallible humans do, getting some ideas right and misunderstanding others.

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Bible Study, A Wholistic Approach

I (try to) lead an hour or so Bible Study before each of my two-Sundays-a- month preaching gigs… and am amazed at (and grateful for) their participation, receptivity, and curiosity… about the coming Sunday’s texts. How can I offer a more systematic, “remedial,” wholistic approach to the great Biblical stories, promises and callings? 

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Reading the Bible and the way of salvation

Do you read the ENTIRE Bible? My desire would be that my children and grandchildren are not exposed to this belief system. It is not Biblical.

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What do you consider the Bible to be?

What do you consider the Bible to be? Is it uniquely inspired by God? Is it different from other literature? Is it authoritative? If it is not all authoritative, how do you determine the parts that are? If the Bible is not divinely inspired, where do moral truths come from? Are moral values eternal and universal for all cultures?

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Still seeking “something”? What now?

I am still seeking “something”?  What now? On the other hand, there is relief that there is not a God that only favors some, all the contradicting rhetoric in the Bible now doesn’t have to make sense to me. Please help.

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Is the Sense of Self an Illusion?

Would you comment from your Christian perspective on the Buddhist assertion that we have no separate self or separate existence because we cannot understand who we are without understanding who we aren’t, and our separate existence is known only because of everything we are? Is the sense of self an illusion?

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Universal Mystery

I once considered myself an atheist. However I now consider myself an ‘a-theist’ vs an ‘atheist’. This to me means I have abandoned the Biblical personal God. However, I cannot pull away from ‘Universal Mystery’

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What is God?

If the traditional theistic notion has been debunked, is there one Progressive view?

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The Bible on Gender, Race and Sexuality

Why do some progressive Christians seem to ignore what the Bible says on gender, race and sexuality?

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Jesus’s Treatment of Women

Was Jesus’s treatment of women radical enough to call him a feminist? 

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Christ Rules the Universe

It is Written in The Message, Ephesians Chapter 1, that Christ rules the Universe, all of it, from galaxies to governments, no one exempt from His power, He has the final say on all things. I have been trying to reconcile this for two years, to understand if this is a metaphor or actual truth, what is your perception?

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Why is the Bible sacred?

One of the reasons I wanted to reread his book was to see if I could get a different viewpoint on being a Christian within the “church.” I am still flummoxed as to why Bishop Spong is a Christian. He appears to be more of a humanist (non-capitalized).

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Suicide and the Bible

  Question & Answer   Q: By Joyce “I’m curious where the idea came from that if a person commits suicide that person does not go to heaven. I don’t recall anything in the Bible saying that.” A: …

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Being honest and sharing what you believe

How can I be honest and share what I believe with the people I grew up with? Don’t think they will speak to me again. And some are my family members. How do I share my new beliefs when discussions come up?

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Prayer and feeling God’s mercy.

Although I’m now trying to be a Christian, I would like to be able to do something to bring myself closer to our Lord, other than sitting still while trying to keep invasive thoughts from disturbing my prayer session.

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