No Longer Believe the Nicene Creed?

How does one who values Jesus’s teachings and the ritual of the Eucharist continue attending church when one does not truly believe the Nicene Creed? I feel dishonest speaking those words.

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What exactly is meant by the word ‘spiritual’?

What exactly is meant by the word ‘spiritual’? If it only refers to ghosts, angels, (theistic) gods, demons and such then it’s clearly just a metaphor for the unexplainable aspects of life.

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Talking to children about the Bible

How should I respond if my young children take the stories of the Bible literally when I don’t believe in a literal reading?

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Leading a more simple life

Mark, I’ve been following you for awhile and I do appreciate some of the things you say, but what’s the deal with this new agey movement for “simplicity”?

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A Course in Miracles

I was wondering what the Progressive Christian attitude to the spiritual/philosophical text “A Course in Miracles” is?

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What is sacred text to you?

Because I identify as a [Hip Hop] Womanist, I have sacred text that has not been historically acknowledged as “Sacred Text;” but it is my work to talk about the ethics of excluding these texts from a conversation on what is sacred, holy, worthy, or right.

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Would an all loving God lead us into temptation?

Would an all loving God lead us into temptation? If not, why does the Lord’s Prayer ask our Heavenly Father not to lead us into temptation?

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Can God Be A Black Woman?

Is God a Palestinian/Brazilian/Chilean/Russian/Khazak/…woman too?

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It seems to me everything just “Is.”

If/when ego is attuned or at Oneness there is no judgement or comparison. When ego gets disconnected from Source perception shifts… then that which I like I call ‘good’ and that which I do NOT like I call ‘bad’.

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Feeling the Presence of Jesus

How can I feel the presence of Jesus in my life? Every time I want to know Jesus, I suddenly start having doubts he ever existed. Thank you for reading this.

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What “exactly” is an atheist?

Just as the term “believer” means very different things to those who use it, so do to does the word “atheist” include a wide set of definitions.

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Was Jesus’ Ministry One or Three Years?

I’ve always heard that Jesus’ ministry was three years long. Now I hear that it was only one year. How does something like that change?

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Does it matter which religion you pick? Is there a Hell?

I have months to live. I’m not too hooked into christian symbolism but I would like to communicate with a person.

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Decline of Christianity

Why are some Christian Churches growing in numbers and outreach? Is there any room to find agreement and move on with the work of Jesus Christ ? 

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Why do we act and speak as if faith is the same as empirical knowing?

If our knowledge of God can only be accessed through faith, and if the divinity of Jesus can only be affirmed through faith, why do we act and speak as if faith is the same as empirical knowing?

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Politics and our most personal issues.

Several years ago, I was interviewed at a pro-choice event for Republicans. Being well past any likelihood of pregnancy, I linked my concern about my right to die with my right to decide about my fertility.

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Reincarnation and life after death.

Much has been written about Reincarnation and previous lives.  I think a current summary discussion of life after death would be beneficial from a scholar who has studied the authoritative reincarnation stories. 

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Finding a deeper and broader Christian experience.

I come from a traditional evangelical upbringing and have embraced catholicismCatholicism. However, I am also exploring the more modern Christian concepts as related by Bishop Spong and Rev. Matthew Fox. I am very attracted to those concepts and want to incorporate them into my spirituality, along with Buddhist and native American wisdom.

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