Life in Abundance

Life in abundance, Jesus says
I bring to set the world ablaze,
Exalt the weak and poor.

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The Presence of God

From the 'Sing Young, Sing Joyfully' collection

The presence of God unfolds in minds
Exploring mystery’s haze.
Yes, God is found within the minds
That search for wisdom’s ways.

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Creating God

Creating God, your fingers trace
The bold designs of farthest space:
Let sun and moon and stars and light
And what lies hidden praise your might.

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Imagine God – A Children’s Musical

Exploring and Expressing Images of God- Score and CD

In this fresh and creative musical, author and composer make available a more comprehensive range of biblical images, celebrating both God and humanity in language that has been too long neglected. In doing so, they have helped to prepare the children who perform it and the audiences who attend it for greater appreciation and understanding of the images they will encounter in much new hymnody.

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Black as the Night- Nahko Bear- Music Video

Medicine for the People

I believe in the good things coming…
I am no master
I know nothing
But I am servant
and I know something

I am a witness…

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Creator God of Many Names

Creator God of many names, Give us your widest view;
We seek your Spirit none can tame, Your visions bright and new.

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Conscious Aging Alliance- Resources for Aging Spiritualy

The Conscious Aging Alliance is comprised of several organizations that are making a positive contribution to a new vision of aging

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We Are One With the Creatures

From the 'Sing Young, Sing Joyfully' collection

We are one with the creatures,
One with the plants,
One with the life of Earth.

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When Man from Eden New-Cast Out

When Man from Eden new-cast out then tore at Earth and ripped
Her coal and iron, her oil and gold, his melancholy tipped
The world toward devastated blight, toward envy, hatred, wars.
They turned sweet hills to desert wastes and pocked the Earth with sores.

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She Let Go

A Poem

She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.

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Spiritual Affirmation Poster – Inclusion

Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
The whole world is home, and we are a divine family.

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Music by Nahko Bear – Aloha Ke Akua

God is Love

Lend your ears, lend your hands,
Lend your movement, anything you can.
Come to teach, come to be taught.
Come in the likeness in the image of God.
Cause, you can be like that.
With all that humbleness, and all that respect.

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Doxology for the New Year

Sung to the traditional tune

Praise God who calls us on from here,
Praise Christ whose presence calms our fear,
Praise Holy Spirit in our lives,
God calls and leads and through us thrives. Amen.

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Christmas Eve 95

A baby waits in a dark, warm womb
Lulled by the sway of a donkey’s walk

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Incarnation Meditation

I am what comes before sand and sandstone
Chickens and eggs.
I am the unproven truth
On which all proofs depend.

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Playing for a Change

“Higher Ground” is a song that speaks of the perseverance it takes to reach the higher consciousness. Let’s all keep trying together, one heart and one song at a time, until we all reach the Higher Ground.

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The Posadas Song

English and Spanish verses of the song traditionally sung as Joseph and Mary search for shelter.

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God Gives, God Takes

God gives
but not forever.

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