Atheist in the United Church

“Can you explain how you can be an atheist and a United Church minister?”

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Who or What is God?

I do not know. Nobody knows. There is no certainty in religion: faith and doubt must go hand-in-hand.

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“Anti-Choice is Anti-Christian”

Join Rev. Mark Sandlin, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant for his June 26, 2022 sermon on Abortion Rights.

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With Whom Shall We Bargain, If Not “God?”

So, if thoughts and prayers (of petition or intercession) cannot produce any salvific change when uttered to an imagined divine – who for anyone with eyes to see, or ears to hear is too deaf, indifferent or impotent to intercede — then with whom can we bargain, or utter any plea for help?

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Studia Divina

“Never in any case whatever is a genuine effort of the attention wasted. It always has its effect on the spiritual plane and in consequence on the lower one of the intelligence, for all spiritual light lightens the mind.” 

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Changing Your Mind Without Losing Your Faith

Rethinking your faith can be scary. But giving up on what is unbelievable can help to clear the way for the kind of faith that is more believable and ultimately more satisfying. Changing your mind can be a way of saving your faith.

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Fifty Years Later – Part 3

How Do We Answer Our Questions?

Key to my understanding today are some observations about human life. I’ll refer to these later in the discussion about human nature, but a quick summary is in order. Following the Reformers, and adding a touch of neuroscience, it seems to me that we all become egocentric.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – June 20, 2022

Join Caleb and Mark and as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives as they look at Marvel’s first leading Muslim Superhero, “Ms. Marvel.”

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Bishop Spong on “What is Faith”

Q&A With Bishop John Shelby Spong

What do we mean by the word “faith?”  People, who would dismiss us as anti-intellectual, ridicule faith with the presumption that it means believing in things that are hard to believe in or believing in things that are contrary to known facts. 

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Fifty Years Later – Part 2

How is Christianity Related to Other Religions?

The dominant view in the history of Christianity is that Jesus the Christ is the savior of the world, the one and only mediator between God and humanity.

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Fifty Years Later – Part 1

New Questions and New Answers for a New Time

Almost 50 years ago I wrote a book entitled “What to Believe?”, subtitled The Questions of Christian Faith. I thought it might be interesting to see how my thinking today relates both to those questions and to whatever theological inclinations I may have had at the time.

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Orthodox No Longer: Interviews with Seven Nontraditional Believers

Most traditional Christians believe in an all-powerful and all-knowing, loving heavenly father who supernaturally intervenes in the world, who can be experienced directly through prayer, and who performs miracles. My small group of seven unorthodox persons no longer believe in that kind of personal, supernatural, and interventionist God.

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What is the difference between God’s will and my will?

Q&A With Toni Reynolds

What is the difference between God’s will and my will? Sometimes I feel like I can’t discern the difference between the two.

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An Apology

  An overdue apology from organized religion. We lied. Those of us who work in organized religion lied to you. We also might have shamed you. Some members of the clergy might have even physically abused you. …

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We Believe

We Believe is a sweeping love song for all creation, equally suitable as standalone anthem or as a sung creed.

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Book Review: God Can’t by Thomas Jay Oord

If God is love, then suffering and evil aren’t God’s fault.  Love attracts but doesn’t force, doesn’t compel.

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Well Collective

Music For Churches. For Conferences. For people who worship

Our team that we send out as a band can be booked as an all-inclusive worship leading package, or in partnership with some of a church’s current team members who serve the band in worship.

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The Human Calling: Three Thousand Years of Eastern and Western Philosophical History

The Human Calling is a vigorously researched and profoundly spiritual narrative history of the world’s religious movements as they relate to society’s collective understanding of the duties they have to fellow people and looks ahead to what lessons from history can be applied as people navigate a technological age.

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